Saturday, October 17, 2009

Schloss Schönbrunn Zoo

This is a world renowned zoo that is considered a "must-see" and for good reason because they have a wide array of animals in a beautiful setting...and its old.

The first two pictures are of the huge green house that is next to the Zoo not actually in the zoo but still cool.

Founded as an imperial menagerie in 1752, it is the oldest zoo in the world. Today Tiergarten Schönbrunn is considered and regards itself as a scientifically administered zoo which sees its main purpose as a centre for species conservation and general nature conservation as well as in the fulfillment of the education mandate given to it by the legislation. (wikipedia)

Some Videos of the Polar Bears, Monkeys, and Pandas:


Schatzi- means my little treasure. It is also the name that my mom calls her best friend from elementary school. They grew up right next to each other and I was finally able to meet her for the first time!

She fixed me a feast and surprised me by reading to me some translated sentences since she does not speak that much english. As she read to me the translated sentences from the piece of paper she kept in her book shelf I tried my best to respond in German and it worked out perfectly.

From Schatzi

In this picture is Markus and his Mom (the daughter of Schatzi). Hes a cool guy to and
I hope we plan a ski trip this November.

From Schatzi

Here is a picture of the delicious mid tag essen (lunch i know a lot of words to describe one meal)

From Schatzi

Vienna Tour with Patrick

For about the past couple of weeks I have been on the go constantly trying hit up as many museums and "must sees" in Vienna and it is finally catching up with me. Actually, I blame it on my weak California conditioning because at the first sight of snow (or temperature below 60) my body locks up especially in October.

Side note: On my second day to school I thought I was being hazed for being an auslander (foreigner) as I felt some pellets hitting the back of my head but ofcorse I was going to play it tough and ignore it...then just as I was about get live I realized a small pile of ice in my lap as the hail continued to pile up.

back to the Vienna Tour

I met up with Patrick through his Austrian best friend Marco, who visited the United States back when I was a Sophomore/Junior in high school. I kept in contact with Marco through facebook and he gave me Patricks name. Patrick was real tight, he spoke perfect English (which he learned from watching MTV and American Films), and was extremely welcoming. Anyways we took a trip around Vienna and I took some pics along the way.