Monday, September 28, 2009

Couch Surfing the Way to Munich

We drove by car to Freizing (about 30min outside of Munich- you have to get a permit for your car to drive right into Munich) There was some construction along the road accompanied by sad, happy, and excited faces that depicted how much further you had to drive slowly.

Here is a happy face with only a little further to go ( i missed the sad face )

And the excited face which means you're almost done get ready to let lose and drive however fast you want (only in Germany).

In Freizing we met up with Ernst, a fellow couch surfer who let us stay at his place offered up beer and breakfast. He also happened to live right next to "the oldest brewery in the world." The oldest brewery in the world is believed to be the German state-owned Weihenstephan brewery in the city of Freising, Bavaria. It can trace its history back to 1040 A.D. (

This is the restaurant of the brewery

The alternative to paying 250 EU a night (which is considered a good deal during Octoberfest).

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